Posted: 11 Jan 2013 12:06 PM PST
Soft version of Papa won't leave you Henry song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 12:06 PM PST
First track from the upcoming Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album, "Push The Sky Away" Released Feb 2013 - Pre-order now from & iTunes All pre-orders get this track FREE on purchase. Video directed by Gaspar Noé Fans in Germany can watch here:
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 12:06 PM PST
"Bizarre Love Triangle" is a single released in 1986 by New Order. A version is included on their album Brotherhood. Though generally regarded as one of the group's best singles, it failed to make the UK Top 40, only reaching #56. It was, however, a surprise hit in Australia, reaching #5 and initiati
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 10:48 AM PST
9) Many firms on Wall Street made fortunes from funding the slave trade. Investment in slavery was one of the most profitable economic activities throughout most of New York's 350 year history. Much of the financing for the slave economy flowed through New York banks. Marquee names such as JP Morgan Chase and New York Life all profited greatly from slavery. Lehman Brothers, one of Wall Street's largest firms until 2008, got its start in the slave economy of Alabama. Slavery was so important to the city that New York was one the most pro-slavery urban municipalities in the North.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 09:05 AM PST
Junichiro Sawaguchi, the eldest member of the Shingo family regarded as Christ's direct descendants, celebrates the holiday much like the average Japanese citizen, in a secular way involving decorations and Kentucky Fried Chicken. A City Hall bureaucrat, he has never been to a church nor read the Bible. "I'm Buddhist," he says. Asked if he believes the Jesus-in-Japan yarn, Sawaguchi shakes his head and says, coyly, "I don't know." Then again, notes Carlsen, the Japanese tend to be quite tactful when airing their opinions, particularly on contentious topics. "The Christ tomb has given Shingo a sense of identity," he says. "If a central figure like Mr. Sawaguchi were to dismiss the story, he might feel disloyal to the town."
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 08:33 AM PST
The D.C. Trans Coalition issued a statement late Thursday calling the sentence of no additional jail time for Furr "outrageous" and said it would heighten longstanding fears by the transgender community of mistreatment and abuse by police officers. "This result is the product of a legal system that constantly devalues trans lives, particularly trans people of color," said D.C. Trans Coalition member Jason Terry. "Officer Furr's defense team actively sought to portray the victims as somehow deserving of this violence, and apparently they succeeded," he said.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:53 AM PST

skull made from used skateboards, by haroshi, via designboom.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:50 AM PST
It was the same with my studies of the Underground Railroad. If you read William Still's compendium of escapes, you find very few revanchists. Instead you see an incredible number of people who escaped, not because of the labor or torture of slavery, but because a relative was sold or because they, themselves, were about to be sold to family. Slave revenge has the luxury of making slavery primarily about white people. It is a luxury that the black rebels of antebellum America had little use for. Uppermost in their minds was not ensuring that white slavers got what was coming, but the preservation and security of their particular black families. Their husbands and wives were not objects to be avenged, but actual whole people whose welfare was more important than payback I so longed to see.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:43 AM PST
Anytime privileged gay men are wronged, the world takes notice. Do you know how many times, as a trans woman, that I have tweeted about celebs using trans women as punch lines or gags, calling us "tranny," and no one makes a peep or writes a single article? (I'm side-eyeing beloved gay allies like Kathy Griffin and Roseanne Barr who've both belittled women like myself).
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:36 AM PST
Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:36 AM PST
Recently, we compiled a massive 750,000-word, 1,200-page anthology The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories (Atlantic/Tor), which covers 100 years of weird fiction. In doing so, we revisited many old favorites and discovered new ones. This included discovery of our thoughts about some of the best women writers of weird fiction.