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Feature: Pirate Hack

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 12:18 PM PST

Feature: Pirate Hacks Of Africa

Daily Kos: In 2012, minorities waited twice as long to vote as whites. GOP unsure that's a problem.

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 06:58 AM PST

The governments of the states in question (and other states with strong rural-urban voting disparities, like effing Ohio, the Florida of the midwest) don't necessarily think it's a problem if certain people have to wait a long, long time to vote and others don't. It may be "very easily handled", as Grassley says, but that only further highlights how very, very invested certain groups are in conspicuously not fixing it. In states like Virginia, in fact, they're still trying their level best to make sure certain people don't have to wait in long lines to vote by making sure certain people aren't allowed to vote at all.

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